

8 pounds, chubby and in perfect health,
Born to an Afghan, no home or wealth.
Consigned abroad and paperwork dealt,
Adoption concealed with perfect stealth.

Decades later the secrets unfold,
Writings shown are covered in mould.
Deception brings the chilliest of cold,
As the pain stings in when the story’s told.

The hazel eyes and the freckled face,
Hostile relatives with wanton gaze.
It all makes sense after all these days,
This foreign child, this big disgrace.

My parents love me nevertheless,
My brother teases me out of jest,
‘Bin Laden’s your dad he did confess,
No wonder you are a downright mess!’

Jokes apart the truth is bitter,
An unwanted child, just kept with litter
Traded, sold and left to wither
I neither belong there nor hither.

An Egyptian lover’s sigh



Joy and hurt when mixed together
Brings smiles and tears that’s fixed forever
I cannot help but wish to see
You amidst the papyrus reeds

I gaze at the faint stars across the Egyptian sunset
You by my side so silent like we’ve never met
I cannot help but stare
There’s something in the air

The Cairo traffic’s blaring, my words you cannot hear
Yet when our eyes meet you beam, dissolving all my fears
I cannot help but smile
Towards the flowing Nile.

Tomorrow you’ll leave; that’s my belief
Prove me wrong; please, spare my grief
I cannot help but wince
Towards the giant sphinx

Happiness lasts forever not


I truly loved those fairy tales,
With unicorns and tinkerbells
And other types of crazy myths,
Those ones i yearned to hold.

But as time flies my memories fade,
I see the wars, I see the hells,
And I realize the piercing truths,
Of stories never told.

Happiness lasts forever not,
We all know what it follows.
Life is tough through night and day,
We have fewer friends than foes.

But problems are not all we’ve got,
There’s more to life than sorrows.
We need to laugh, we need to play,
And cherish all that comes and goes!


Sarcasm is but a shrouded veil,
That bites with spite and pain.
It jests for jest’s sake and all in vain,
It stings yet brings no gain.

A pretentious cry for attention,
Redemption replaced with vengeance
Sarcasm’s a callous obstruction,
A restriction, a downright hindrance.

Cricket Crazy


The toss they won and chose to bat,
But luck they thoroughly lacked.
The final match that was to judge,
The tri-series began.

Spectators they flocked to view,
The final match being played.
Amongst the beer and hotdog stalls,
The match they quite forgot.

The umpires came the first to field
Justice they did assure.
But when their teams were pressed for runs,
No balls and wides crept in.

The bowlers they were desperate,
The economy rates were rising fast.
Despite the short balls shoulder high,
Fours and sixes were a common sight.

The batsmen they were displaying,
All possible forms of dismissals.
If not for rules and regulations,
Who knows? What would have taken place?!

And then the rain came pouring down
The workmen they were running about
Lewis Duckworth system call it now!
For the run rate is indeed a doubt.

The rain it went away so quickly,
The match resumed and not so badly
The scoreboard ticked, opposition flinched
Victory was a run away.

A run away and one ball left.
And once again a commercial break.
When at last the bowler came,
Dam lights of mine they went away!

Cheating Husband


Her soul’s like a broken thermometer,
Heat it absorbs, temperature it reflects not.
The glassy crust is hardened,
Resistant to inevitable blows.
The inner core’s mercury,
Liquid and volatile to sentimental pain.

The desperate attempts to present accurate results
Are barricaded by alien mercury that
At room temperature have solidified.
The glass battles the mercury,
The mercury fights the glass.
Both controlled by an indecisive, confused mind.

Like an invisible prism, whose coloured rays are scattered not,
She’s indifferent to feelings all.
Suddenly the scale becomes too blurred.
Her efforts in vain,
His vision diminishing,
A digital thermometer finds itself
Replacing the broken one.




Rain was pouring outside
On the day of your depart
And pain was piercing inside
Deep down right in my heart

Your goodbye was subtle,
It lacked any feelings true,
And my love was too gentle
It lacked the ‘I love you’

I felt the need to accuse you
Your behaviour often hurt
But I didn’t want to lose you
Or rather feel like dirt

Somewhere I had some hope left
But there’s nothing of it now.
So I wish you luck and success
Goodbye, adieu and ciao.

Matrimonial Ad


The cold morning breeze and the visible light,
Proved the dawn of another day.
The tea and breakfast tray were out of sight,
Grumpily in bed he lay.

Unwillingly he descended that citadel of a bed,
Protected by the walls of his mosquito net.
He headed straight to the mirror and inspected his head,
Grey hairs weren’t visible, just not yet.

He smirked and went for a quick neat shave,
With his job he seemed evidently tired.
The water just kept flowing down the faucet but why save?
His only hope now was getting fired.

Perhaps then to Puerto Rico he would go,
Where girls he heard were simple and true.
A CEO at thirty five he had everything to show,
Except a wife who completes life for you.

On his behalf this ad in here I place,
The matrimonial section of the Sunday Times.
A woman of beauty, charm and grace,
This poor CEO he wishes to find.

His anxiety and distress no man can ease,
A wife is essential to every man I suppose,
So kindly would you marry him please?
The poor fellow he’ll never propose!

If you are a single in this neighbourhood,
Loyal and got nothing else to do,
Marry him, I think you should,
For he’s a bachelor and you’re single too!

Scientific Babysitting


The laboratory was spick and span,
Keep it clean was mummy’s plan
Washed and scrubbed after her last bath,
The tub lay bubbling in my path.

I brought the subject to the lab,
Filled the tub with a shampoo dab.
I placed the subject and closed the tap,
My baby bro the poor old chap!

The stopper I pulled it carefully out,
And made it dangle about the mouth.
Around and round and left and right,
Hypnotism was quite a sight!

First the head just spun like crazy,
Then the eyes just turned all hazy.
And with a thud the boy collapsed,
My experimental time elapsed.

Eureka! My work went well.
The subject just lay where it fell.
Wake him up I’ll try it later,
Once I’m done with things much greater!

Wedding Frenzy


The day grew brighter, bird songs louder,
Wedding bells were tolling down the streets.
The bride was older, bridegroom younger,
In fact she was his grand dad’s niece.

She was the aunty, sweet and dainty,
He was the little husband to be.
And so amongst the confused relatives,
‘i do’ said she and ‘i do’ said he.

Two years went by, oh my oh my,
The couple was blessed with a baby boy.
But things changed fast and their life was past
When the ‘aunty wife’, being very bad,
Fell in love with the husband’s dad.

She divorced him quick!, and made her pick,
The kid was highly worried sick!
‘step-dad, grand-dad’, ‘mummy,grand-aunt’,
‘What a mess it is for me’!

Years were gone, the kid was grown,
The mom and grand-dad dead and gone,
Once again, one bright light morn,
Amongst the relatives’ confused groans…

The kid who was now quite so crazy,
Married a person, quite a ‘lady’.
Their love it was understood by none,
However ‘she’ was his uncle’s son!