Reflections on a Semester in the UK

Yesterday, I had to do an assignment on the concept of a multiplex city. I read that it was ‘a juxtaposition of contradictions and diversities; the theatre of life itself’. I thought to myself, this was what I was facing right now. I may not come from a rural jungle, yet, for the next three years, I was in for a novel first world experience; something that was equally exciting and terrifying.

My first few weeks were far from enjoyable. I missed home, I dreaded the cold, I was desperately in need of light therapy and I certainly missed my ‘land of smiles’.

Gradually though, I got accustomed to life here. The skies cleared and I was able to see the UK in a whole new light. Through my university’s international programme, I was able to explore several UK cities. And yes, the culture and history that UK has to offer is simple remarkable. I kept wishing I’ve chosen to study in Bath, Portsmouth, and London; basically every part of England that I visited was equally enticing.

Something about life in the UK that I have to emphasize is that one could never get bored in a place like this. As for me, I am eternally stuck between choices. This is why I signed up for about ten different clubs during fresher’s week. I’ve attended Mexican nights, Indian parties and Chinese dinners. Learned to eat with chopsticks (well, at least I tried!), and managed to amuse my friends back home with tricks I learned from the magic society!

I’ve learnt and come to appreciate the concept of punctuality and to my parents’ relief, become rather disciplined as far as expenditure is concerned! Living in a foreign country by myself has given me the confidence and independence that they’ve always wanted for me.

Regardless of the colossal pints of alcohol consumed by my peers, I’ve realized that people throughout the world have similar expectations, fears and aspirations. Besides, I have made some amazing friends in the past three months. My biggest achievement in the United Kingdom thus so far has been my ability to overlook cultural stereotypes and accept all kinds of people simply for who they are: just people!

I may not have experienced much in my first semester in this country but I’m positive that in the coming few years there would be plenty for me to give and take from this country. As for now, I am proud of what I’ve become. I mean, at least I’ve learned to cross the road properly!

Chick Fights



‘’Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our heartsOthers come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face’’.

Lately, my sentiments seem to mirror the above quote about a certain someone. And the problem is, like the picture, I am adopting a passive aggressive path, complaining of non-existent illnesses and coming up with a million excuses when all I want to do is lift her up and just throw her out of view. Ok so maybe I watched too much of Popeye as a kid but suddenly I feel empathetic towards certain wife-murdering husbands. If being her friend for one month drove me to contemplate murder (ok maybe I’m exaggerating here…or on second thought NOT), no wonder some people snap and commit sins!

I have never seen such a clingy, chatty, hyperactive, self-centred airheaded bitch who has absolutely no sense of giving someone else personal space! Today she visited me and didn’t leave til midnight. Fiddled with nearly all my personal belongings, all while being two inches off my face. After numerous polite attempts to get her to leave, I left pretending to be late for a midnight rendez-vous and snuck back to my own room! The downside of living in university halls!

Minutes later, she calls and my phone rings loudly. She continues to ring my phone seven more times, nonstop!!  When I saw her the next day, she asks why I didn’t pick up the phone….I sweetly say, ‘oh sorry I had my headset on so must have not heard you’. So typing this now, I don’t know what I’m more disgusted by: her pestering behavior or my deplorable two-faced politeness? So tomorrow I will be a better person. Tomorrow I will punch her in the face.