Matrimonial Ad


The cold morning breeze and the visible light,
Proved the dawn of another day.
The tea and breakfast tray were out of sight,
Grumpily in bed he lay.

Unwillingly he descended that citadel of a bed,
Protected by the walls of his mosquito net.
He headed straight to the mirror and inspected his head,
Grey hairs weren’t visible, just not yet.

He smirked and went for a quick neat shave,
With his job he seemed evidently tired.
The water just kept flowing down the faucet but why save?
His only hope now was getting fired.

Perhaps then to Puerto Rico he would go,
Where girls he heard were simple and true.
A CEO at thirty five he had everything to show,
Except a wife who completes life for you.

On his behalf this ad in here I place,
The matrimonial section of the Sunday Times.
A woman of beauty, charm and grace,
This poor CEO he wishes to find.

His anxiety and distress no man can ease,
A wife is essential to every man I suppose,
So kindly would you marry him please?
The poor fellow he’ll never propose!

If you are a single in this neighbourhood,
Loyal and got nothing else to do,
Marry him, I think you should,
For he’s a bachelor and you’re single too!

Scientific Babysitting


The laboratory was spick and span,
Keep it clean was mummy’s plan
Washed and scrubbed after her last bath,
The tub lay bubbling in my path.

I brought the subject to the lab,
Filled the tub with a shampoo dab.
I placed the subject and closed the tap,
My baby bro the poor old chap!

The stopper I pulled it carefully out,
And made it dangle about the mouth.
Around and round and left and right,
Hypnotism was quite a sight!

First the head just spun like crazy,
Then the eyes just turned all hazy.
And with a thud the boy collapsed,
My experimental time elapsed.

Eureka! My work went well.
The subject just lay where it fell.
Wake him up I’ll try it later,
Once I’m done with things much greater!