Lessons Learnt from Taylor Swift and Nokia Phones

Nokia_3310_blue_R7309170_wpNo Retreat, No Surrender

My Cousin quoting Taylor Swift: ‘’We should love, not fall in love because everything that falls gets broken’’.

Her friend: Looks like you’ve never dropped an old Nokia phone to the ground.

 Old Nokia phones are the best phones ever. Fact. I’ve dropped my 3315 a zillion times from tabletops, moving vehicles and even from a ceiling fan (yes I have some very tall annoying friends!). It has that awesome game called ‘snake’ and is the least likely of my treasured possessions to ever get stolen! So should I really switch from my ever so reliable Nokia to a flimsy smartphone?

Everytime someone breaks up with Taylor Swift, she comes up with a chart topper. The time some actress stole her then boyfriend she wrote a song about her which again went out to become very popular. She basically earns billions from heartbreak! So should she really stop taking the risk of getting a broken heart?

Pierre Corneille once said, ‘ to win without risk is to triumph without glory’. Play it safe and you will lead an ordinary life but take a few risks and you are bound to have an adventure! The fine line between how much and too much (whether it’s taking risk, eating chocolates or anything for that matter) is a whole other story. So for the time being, goodbye Nokia, hello Blackberry!

Wedding Frenzy


The day grew brighter, bird songs louder,
Wedding bells were tolling down the streets.
The bride was older, bridegroom younger,
In fact she was his grand dad’s niece.

She was the aunty, sweet and dainty,
He was the little husband to be.
And so amongst the confused relatives,
‘i do’ said she and ‘i do’ said he.

Two years went by, oh my oh my,
The couple was blessed with a baby boy.
But things changed fast and their life was past
When the ‘aunty wife’, being very bad,
Fell in love with the husband’s dad.

She divorced him quick!, and made her pick,
The kid was highly worried sick!
‘step-dad, grand-dad’, ‘mummy,grand-aunt’,
‘What a mess it is for me’!

Years were gone, the kid was grown,
The mom and grand-dad dead and gone,
Once again, one bright light morn,
Amongst the relatives’ confused groans…

The kid who was now quite so crazy,
Married a person, quite a ‘lady’.
Their love it was understood by none,
However ‘she’ was his uncle’s son!

Providential reminiscence


Providential reminiscence haunts a juvenile past,
You were born a boy, while I, a female cast.
Childish merriment and profound secrets did we share,
And the world that knew us, considered us only as a pair.

We experienced birth, daylight and  life together,
Twins they called us, “Look! how the girl looks so much like her brother.”
I wonder today, with long hair, how different we would be,
Yet, you no longer exist, the disparities for me to see.

Your name is forbidden, for it brings too great a grief,
All my aquaintances know me and not my chief.
I remember, brother, how you teased me and challenged me to catch that six minute gap in nature,
And today, at sixteen, I repent as it is six years since I lost my treasure.

La Guerre


J’ai marche  entre les enfants et les adultes,

Personne m’a vu, Je pense que c’etait la solitude.
L’adolescence et l’amour etaient perdues,
Leur maison, leurs vies, tout ca, ils ont vendu.
J’ai vu la sang, J’ai entendu les cries,
Mais il n’y avait rien a faire pour sauver leurs vies.

On pouvait voir la douleur dans les yeux,
Toute la misre, Ou etes-vous mon dieu ?
Nous n’avons pas le droit la parole,
Liberte et l’egalite, ca n’existe plus.
En descendant la rue, une petite fille m’a dit,
L’Espoir est important, c’est l’espoir qui vive.
Elle avait une sourire dans d’un air afflige
En ce moment la, moi, je me suis levee,

Qui est plus important, je vous demande :
La terre ou la guerre ?